Part one
Part two
Smiling One Academy
Take a listen as Franklin describes his journey to undoing the sticky matrix of what we have been told about sex and relationship.
“For the first time the topic of sex doesn’t feel judgemental …this is the first book I’m reading a chapter and then I go back with my highlighter … I’m not obligated too .. But I definitely feel I need to take as much of this book in as I can … Since opening up with the book, sex and sexuality, learning more phrases and understanding more things about myself, sex and sexuality is not so “heavy” on me and it hasn’t become such a sensitive subject …I’m actually curious now about understanding more about it .”
Franklin Esau
Fantastic interview! Thanks Paul for laying out this fascinating journey into the patterns of sexuality so articulately and in such an accessible way. I’m sure this will be of immense benefit to men and women everywhere. Thanks so much Karina Andersen for hosting this on your page and presenting Franklin’s show.
Adam Behr
Aah Franklin Esau – you make my heart beam. Loved how you have taken a deep dive in – you’re my first man I get to witness fleshing all those words out? Yay! And…so glad Chapter 5 gets a special mention too. 😉 Paul Abro – loved the fluidity and honesty with which you spoke. My take-away line, “we all need to think again about what we think we already know”. Well done and blessings to you all Karina Andersen.
Manuela Viana
Aron Gersh
I like the conversation you guys had. It makes a couple of things clear as a married young man, life has a lot of surprises and you really touch certain topics.
Julio Stanfliet