About the Author

Paul Neil Abramowitz

Having followed a rather circuitous route into his formal training in Human Sexuality by studies in both Eastern (Totality Therapy) and Western traditions (Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality), Paul is a long-time student of yoga and meditation, a painter, sculptor, and singer-songwriter who has dedicated most of his adult life to exploring creative avenues of expression and practice that lead to a fuller understanding of the lived human experience.

Born in Cape Town, South Africa in 1962, Paul graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, USA in 1985 with a Doctorate in Dental Medicine and a Post-Doctoral Specialty Certification in Periodontology in 1990, upon which he held post-doctoral teaching positions as Assistant Professor of Periodontology at the University of Pennsylvania and Associate Professor of Periodontology at Temple University before returning to private practice in Cape Town.

Unbeknownst to him at the time, his return to the new South Africa framed the starting point of a profound and earnest self-enquiry. He quickly embarked on the study and practice of subtle body energy and healing through a school of Shiatzu. For fourteen years, he brought his passion commitment and attention to the facilitation, leadership and mentorship within the field of men’s consciousness work where he journeyed alongside thousands of men who longed to live lives of greater meaning and discover deeper purpose and joy.

Pulling from the rich traditions that Paul ascribes to his childhood spent in a home filled with the literature and conversation of his father who was a practicing gynaecologist, obstetrician and sex therapist, he grew in the comfortableness and awareness that his father’s work and passion had offered him: an open curiosity and respect for the gravitas of sex and its vibrant intersection of pleasure, intimacy, consciousness and human potential.

That respect, fascination and humility, which Paul expresses for the complex mechanisms of the human body—including the interplay of its multiple systems that he began to learn at home from his father’s medical books and the subsequent surgical skills acquired in his own medical training, continue to inform his “archaeological dig” into the interpersonal and societal costs of secrecy and disappeared conversations around sex as it impacts who we become and our capacity for intimacy. Acknowledging these costs, including the “hardwired” nature of men for sex and the degree to which the dynamics of being “hardwired for sex” become settled and wholly integrated within the man, provides the framework for a man’s initial and ongoing enquiry to improve his focus and alignment towards a life well-lived.

SEXED is offered specifically for, although not limited to, the heterosexual man as a tool to develop personal methods of enquiry into greater self-understanding, meaningful sex and conscious relating. It is a remedy to many of the “disappeared conversations” in men’s lives that work to our disadvantage while leaving vast chasms in our human potential.

Paul remains convinced that the missing pieces of conversation can be found and that they hold the key for achieving new and expanded versions of masculinity – with sex included.

He lives in Cape Town, South Africa and continues to dedicate his professional life to both his medical practice and individual and couples’ sex and intimacy therapy.

Discover Paul’s paintings, sculptures and music.
